Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014 Already?

Wow, I seriously cannot believe it is 2014.  My last blog post was in March of last year.  So much for keeping up with it!

Life has been crazy, busy, good, bad, ugly, blessed, you name it.  2013 was a challenging year to say the least.

In February of 2013 we lost my brother Ken.  He fought so many years against his addiction to alcohol and this time the addiction won.  So many mixed emotions - anger, sadness not sure what to feel, still.  The blessing came from be reunited and reconnected with his kids - that was the joy out of it all and what I choose to focus on.

February also brought the 6 year anniversary of my mom's death.  While the pain has eased some it can still knock me to my knees at times.  I miss her so very much but am so thankful she has been healed of the horrendous illnesses and pain she was constantly faced with on a daily basis.

2013 brought our hardest year of parenting to date - nothing horribly wrong, just waters we had never tread in before.  Its is so heartbreaking to see your kids go through tough times and heart breaking events of their own.  But lessons were learned and the future is looking so bright we gotta wear shades :-).

The older I get (hit 40 in 2013!)  the more I realize how much we judge others especially in our youth.  It seems we, in our blissful unawareness (in our younger days) think we have all the answers on how we would do things if faced with a situation.  Well, humble pie has been consumed much in the last year in my home and life for sure.  I am so thankful for grace from my Savior.  I am also learning more and more to reach out to others and not be so introverted - still hard, but working on it.

We were blessed as a family to be able to go on a cruise in October, we had such a great time.  It was much needed respite from the year we had been faced with - here are some pictures.

In late October we lost my Aunt Lee unexpectedly - she had been fighting lymphoma for a while but had been doing well.  She was my mom's sister and loved her dearly.  Through her funeral I was able to reconnect with my only other living aunt on my mom's side and my cousin.  There is positive in that., but I feel so badly for my Uncle Don, they had been married well over 60 years.  Can't imagine the sorrow he feels.

In November I went back to Albuquerque for my last business trip for that office.  It was bittersweet, thankful to not have to travel anymore, but going to miss that team tremendously.  I have transitioned to the Louisville office now.  I am thankful to have kept my job but now I actually have to get dressed, do my hair and make up and drive to work.  No more working in my pajamas!  First week back hasn't been horrible but definitely different!

In just a few short months Tyler will be graduating from high school, I truly can't believe we are at this stage with him already.  It truly has flown by.  He turned 18 in December and Logan turned 15.  Gah!

Today one of my very best friend's faces a biopsy surgery to see if she has breast cancer.  My heart breaks for what the results could be - but we know God already knows the outcome and we are clinging tightly to Him.  God is good and God is faithful - ALWAYS.

I am glad to say goodbye to 2013.  There were definite positives (meeting my goal weight and keeping it off!), growing closer to my husband and children, deepening friendships...but also recognizing that there were also negatives that I can learn from as well.  I let Satan have a little too much control of my life and thoughts last year - won't let that happen again.  I am looking forward to 2014 and the twists and turns it will bring. I don't make resolutions typically but I do resolve to daily remember to WHOM I belong and trust in Him alone.